
admin 04-18 1.03 K阅读 0评论

1、16信任是是经营婚姻中最需要的一种能力Trust is the most needed ability to run a marriage17爱情是两个人的事,婚姻是两个家庭的事Love is a matter of o people, marriage is a matter of o families。


2、49幸福婚姻,就是两个人在婚姻中过好单身生活 Happy marriage means that two people live a good single life in marriage 50结婚证书不能保证婚姻的质量 Marriage certificate can not guarantee the quality of marriage 5。

3、38婚姻是爱情的坟墓,婚姻是自由的枷锁Marriage is the grave of love, and marriage is the shackle of freedom39只追求容貌的婚姻通常只是一种庸俗的交易Marriage that only seeks looks is usually a vulgar t。


4、关于婚姻的英语名言经典篇 1 Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the samequot Emily Bronte 不论我们的灵魂是什么做成的,他的和我的是一模一样的艾米莉#x2022勃朗特 2If you live to be a hundred。

5、understandings, sympathies, loyalty and endeavor is requested for the nuptial growthHere sharing your dreams and goals with each other is mentioned as a way to make your marriage successfulCompanionship is neces。

6、有关婚姻的英语谚语推荐 A wooer should opens his ears more than his eyes找对象要多用耳,少用眼A good wife makes a good husband妻贤夫自良有好的妻子,就有好的丈夫A good husband makes a good wife。

7、关于婚姻的英语对话1 关于婚姻的英语对话Preferring to Stay Single TessHi, Jack We’re having a party tonight Wanna come and join us? You can bring your girlfriend TinaJackI don’t have a。

8、family to fulfill its function than love Love between a husband and a wife, love between parents and children and love between all the family members can pave the way for all the family to a bright。

9、transnational marriage also has advantages and disadvantagesSome people support international marriage They believe that transnational marriage, in a sense, is the collision and communication of two cultures, which c。

10、affection and love for her than she shows for me Marriage is a gamble, but we still have a chance of winning a big prize楼主此篇文稿符合您当前英语水平,本人手写,若您觉得满意,望多多支持哈。


12、一篇跨国所包含的问题的英语作文 Mixed marriage encounters more problem Interracial marriages can cause many problems within the family Due to the fact that the couple has a different family background, culture。


14、很多人都觉得外国人的 婚姻都比较幸福,其实大家的婚姻都一样,不一样的只是经营婚姻的方法,想让 婚姻幸福,不妨看看以下这些方法1幸福秘诀 有研究人员调查4000对夫妻,让外国那些感到“幸福”或“非常幸福”的夫妻估算。

15、一经营婚姻的方法有哪些幸福婚姻经营要注意什么 真实有效 几回他说“我喜欢你”并不是关键,假如这是一个读死书的英语单词,它对大家2个也没有协助如果你觉得到或是你的爱人非常必须听见它时,你必须说“我喜欢你。

16、婚姻应该怎样去经营 婚姻应该怎样去经营,夫妻感情的好坏和夫妻经营婚姻有重要的联系,在生活中,很多人的婚姻经过相当长一段时间之后,就变成了食之无味的婚姻了下面来学习婚姻应该怎样去经营 婚姻应该怎样去经营1 一次偶然的机会,翻阅。

17、婚姻是一种长期的承诺和责任,需要夫妻双方共同经营和维护以下是一些婚姻经营的建议1 相互尊重在婚姻中,尊重是非常重要的彼此尊重理解和支持对于维持健康的婚姻关系至关重要2 沟通良好夫妻之间的有效沟通是。

18、跨国婚姻会遇到更多的问题 跨国婚姻能引起许多问题的家庭由于这对夫妻有不同的家庭背景文化风俗习惯和社会阶层,许多不同的意见都会发生,宗教可以成为一个问题如果两者有不同的宗教,那么就有一个问题因为一些特定的。



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