
admin 03-27 1.24 K阅读 0评论

1、一单刀直入型搭讪 一些大胆而且性格坦率的朋友可以用这种办法有时候不用太过在意别人会不会觉得你很唐突,很没有礼貌之类的只要让对方看出你的诚意就好下面这些句子可以学学1Excuse me, have we met before? Y。

2、必备技巧一天时地利人和的幽默 ,参见人物角色编号为223的警察金城武重庆森林搭讪时如果能表现一些幽默,往往会有起死回生或者锦上添花的效果,但这是可遇不可求的,既对搭讪者自身有一定要求同时也依赖于被。

3、要大胆 ,要主动,因为你和老外搭讪之后才会发现有好多发音和咱们课本上学到的都不一样。

4、you will always be my favorite woman翻译你犹如清水一般纯净,犹如花朵一般美丽,犹如天上的仙女,但在我心中,你永远是我最爱的女人其实嘛,英语这玩意儿,还是自己学然后自己编比较好,因为这样说出去的话,感情比较深,撩妹的成功率。


5、请问下搭讪里的挫男AFC ,是哪几个词的缩写 AFC Average Frustrated Chump A quotnice guyquot A guy who has no pick up skills and rarely manages to close a target pick up Also a guy who tends to。

6、Guess! I hope you#39ll like it 猜猜看!我想你会中意的 What can it be? 它是什么呢? I expected No2 to win 我以为2号会赢 I Agree Women have the same rights as you! 女人也和你一样享有同等权力! No。


8、你小子跟我的女人搭讪,居心何在呀? Uhoh, here comes my boy friend, he\#39s insanely jealous 噢,我男Goodness, I do hope this isn\#39t a loud gun I hate noise 但愿这不是一把会发出巨响的手枪俺不喜欢噪音。

9、Baobabwell, what if she just like buy something for your parents and hope you cook for her parents?师弟en,if I love her, I will learn how to cook怎么样?不难吧?除了从书本上找话题,喜欢看英语演讲赛的朋友。

10、75I hope your family are all well 我希望你的家人都好 76Mr Park sends his regards 巴克先生问候你小子跟我的女人搭讪,居心何在呀? Uhoh, here comes my boy friend, he#39s insanely jealous噢,我男朋友。

11、I have yet vowed,I am in lovethough with no hopeBut that doesn#39t mean there is no happiness at allIt is enough to see you,I am satisfied看,咱赵大局长就是浪漫如果说陆毅饰演的侯亮平是人民。

12、You may have to accept their point of view, but hope that they will take on board some of what you have英国古语废语招呼,走上前去跟某人搭话或搭讪接近妓女等勾引vi1 搭伙,包饭,寄宿,膳宿。

13、Nowadays, the dog dog when going out, also need to dress up, master also hope that the dog dog go out to earn more time to lead The dog dog beauty care is mainly according to master be fond of。


14、谁能告诉我怎样和你搭讪 I#39m so confused so I want to drink some wine 这实在是让我头疼呀,好想一醉为快 Drink some wine, you#39re too young to buy“喝酒还没到年龄呢小屁孩”I#39m not the boss 我不是。



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